Friday, May 14, 2021

new google sites

 Since google has decided to force everyone to use the new 'google sites' I have been forced to redo all of the web sites.  The new puzzle site seems to be up and running ok. I am still working on the other sites. I will be posting only one story a month, one flash story and one guest story.  The new google sites resstrict how many listings you can have; don't ask! Try this new link and bookmarkit if you are still interested.

I am sorry for not be more pro active. I have several stories in the works. After I finish with this google problem I will try and finish a few of them. Sorry for any problems.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

 Finally I was able to finish another story. It will be posted March 17 2021 with the "End of the Affair" group of stories on LIT. Sorry for the slow postings. It is getting harder with old age and stiff joints.  Thanks for reading. Does anyone even look at these posts anymore. I will have two more stories coming in the next two months.